Bee Icon

Software Engineer

Building web applications at Cyberhawk. Specialised in backend development with a keen interest in Laravel, PHP and Typescript.

Manchester Tram
Gate in Arnfield
Cows spotted while hiking
Ben Nevis mountain


A website where you can generate AI images specifically for Minecraft.

  • Laravel,
  • PHP,
  • SQL,
  • TypeScript,
  • TailwindCSS

A map of all the pubs in the UK from 2017.

  • NextJS,
  • TypeScript,
  • Mapbox,
  • Deck.GL

Ensures that your env file is in sync with the cached configuration used by Laravel.

  • Laravel,
  • PHP

Tech Stack

Here is the technology stack that I have most experience with.

Languages PHP, TypeScript & Java

Frameworks Laravel, Next.js & Express.js

Libraries React & TailwindCss

Databases MySQL & Redis

Machines AWS, DigitalOcean, Docker

Looking to learn K8s


In my free time I like to do hobby projects.


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